My blog will only consist of things related to Japan, Animes, Action Figures, Foods, or just something that really catch my interest..tho that would mean the blog wont be updated frequently \(> ▲<)/

This is my 1st blog-site ever, so pardon me for being slow in bloggin
g ♪♪♪

Monday, March 23, 2009

A figure's life

Yotsuba, the icon of Yotsuba & I comic book being materialized by Revoltech Company.

When i saw Yotsuba the first time, i saw the action figure before the comic book; which kinda not interesting for me in any way but somehow it manage to stick around in my mind for a while until i finally decided to buy the comic books.

And i fell in laugh.

After that, i felt an urge to get her action figure that i saw earlier...and she became my 3rd Revoltech. I'm glad i bought her because she was the first human Revoltech i own and it leads me to another direction of action figures collecting.

After quite some time, Revoltech announcing another version of her, Yotsuba DX which is quite the same with few minor changes and loads of accessories; thus Yotsuba Twins emerged. That picture was taken somewhat long time ago, i bought a.....i dunno what people call it but i guess i can say that its a bicycle-finger(?) because i was thinking that it might fit her photoshot...and i was right (=^ _ ^=)

side note : pic was taken using Sony Ericsson K810i Cybershot


  1. cool website ^^ me first one who writes xD

  2. hahaha u make me realize...i should've put some...user comment box @_@
